The Elkhart Vette Set Corvette Club was organized in June of 1967 and was Elkhart's first Corvette Club. The first meeting was an 'open air" type on a sunny afternoon at Easy Shopping Place in Elkhart. Twenty-seven colorful Corvettes were there with their owners. We became members of the National Council of Corvette Clubs in July of 1969. Our interests are anything to do with a Corvette and to help our community. Each year the club contributes money to local food pantries and charities. Every spring the club collects personal care items for the Indiana Veterans Home in Laffayette and then travels to the home to meet the other clubs from the Indiana Region to put on a car show and present the donations to the Veteran's.. Meetings are held the first monday evening of each month at 6:30 p.m. At the Goshen Public Library (basement), 601 south 5th street, Goshen, IN. The club participates in parades, car shows, dinner runs, rallies, and auto cross racing.